Welcome to the initial preview of the covid19-research.network, an interactive platform that parses and visualizes the latest COVID-19-related scientific findings in an easily accessible interface.
It provides the latest peer-reviewed articles from PubMed as well as preprints from medRxiv, bioRxiv and arXiv.
You will see a network representation of the latest 1500 articles
(1000 peer-reviewed publications and 500 preprints).
The latest COVID-19 related research articles are collected daily from PubMed (peer-reviewed articles and letters), bioRxiv, medRxiv and arXiv (preprints).
After preprocessing, a LDA topic model is trained on the whole corpus. The resulting topics are labelled by hand.
Every node in the network is an article. They are linked based on the cosine similarity of the tf-idf vectors of their abstracts.